Monday, July 19, 2010

Fruit Flies and Chiquita

When I was growing up--back in the last century--the moguls in the
banana industry created a spokesperson: Chiquita Banana.

They wrote a jingle...the last line of which was: "And you should
never put bananas...( long pause)... in the refrigerator."

Ever since I heard that in the 50's, I observed Chiquita's advice.
The thought of giving a banana a cool home never crossed my mind.

Until recently.

Bananas hanging on a hook to ripen are a prime target for fruit flies.
So on a recent trip to the supermarket, I asked the produce guy if he
had any bananas that didn't attract fruit flies. Somewhat startled, he said,
"Hey, just put 'em in the refrigerator."

I reminded him of Chiquita's advice. He said, not to worry. The skin may
change color a bit after a few days, but the banana isn't affected--except for being
cold and a little firmer.

I bought a bunch of bananas July 16 and parked them in the fridge. My guests
have eaten--and enjoyed--two, and the others still look good.

Sorry, Chiquita. I heeded your advice for 60+ years. You misled me.

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