Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Lesson

In our daily lives, most of us encounter problems, troubles, them what you will...big and small. In today's PC lingo, they're sometimes referred to as "challenges." As an innkeeper, I see a few...usually medical conditions that limit a guest's mobility or require special equipment in their room.

I had the privilege recently of observing a guest whose situation helped me to reflect on things that occur in my life--usually minor--that I tend to regard as "problems."

He is confined to a wheelchair and is not mobile. His vehicle, which he drives, has a ramp. With a little help from his wife, he accessed my deck and his room and his van. They adjusted to the physical arrangements immediately.

I asked about the circumstances of his disability. It was a car-truck accident when he was 19--he's now 52--resulting in spinal cord injuries. He was a college athlete--track and swimming.

And as I observed them, I reflected on how easily I become annoyed by simple things that could/should be brushed off.

The imprint he left: a big smile, easy laugh, sense of humor, positive attitude, great flexibility and a wonderful partner. When they checked out, I thanked them for providing me a reminder to be more grateful for the life I've been given, and to look at so-called "challenges" as what they often are: undiscovered opportunities.

Thanks, M and T

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